Stacia Newcomb
Commercial Workshop wth Hizzoner Roger Becker
Had the pleasure of participating in a Commercial Workshop with CEO of Access Talent, Roger Becker, affectionately know as "Hizzoner" in the world of Voice Casting. Normally, I would pick a script that was "perfect" for my lower register voice, but I thought I would venture out of my comfort zone for this one and picked one for Planters Nuts that the specs' called for a 20's - 70's Female voice that was able to stretch and go over the top while also playing very real. On my first read, I gave it more of a slower harlequin romance sort narrator of read building to a melodramatic end. Roger did not hold back! He stated it wasn't one he would have picked for my voice, but gave kudos for stretching a bit on it and gave some feedback on the read which was very honest and appreciated. He give direction to do it more of a Noir detective type of approach, which I did and it felt more comfortable that way as well.
A few nuggets from the workshop (there were so many!)
Casting Directors can hear the physicality in your voice. Shrug the shoulders, furrow the brows, it comes through in your voice.
Be aware of the specs, but don't lock into them too early. If you have a 2nd read, this is where you can add your improv and more of you that may be different from the specs.
Bookings are science, audtions are art!
If you ever get the chance to do a workshop with Roger, I would highly recommend it!
Keep any eye out on Stacia's workshop as she always has such great guests providing direction and feedback for you to grow.